A Federal ID Number is also referred to as an Employer Identification Number (EIN) or Tax ID Number (TIN). It is a nine-digit number used for tax filing and reporting for other business documentation purposes.
Rather than using your Social Security Number, your Federal ID Number can be used to obtain business licenses and permits, apply for business credit cards, or set up business bank accounts. This helps establish a separation between you and your business, which can help provide some liability protection for your personal assets. It also offers some privacy protection, since fewer people will have access to your Social Security Number.
Obtaining a Federal Tax ID Number is optional if your business is a Sole Proprietorship, but if your business acts as a C Corporation, Limited Liability Company, or Partnership, you are required to have one by law.
The IRS identifies the specific circumstances under which a business must have a Federal ID Number. In these situations, an EIN is required:
Aside from the IRS requirements, an EIN serves the vital purpose of establishing a separation between a business and its owners, thus providing financial and legal liability protection of owners’ personal assets.
Also, for self-employed individuals, it can help retain privacy and prevent identity theft. Many self-employed small business owners choose voluntarily to apply for an EIN so that they don’t have to use their SSN on 1099 forms, business credit applications, sales tax invoices, and other business documents.
The IRS allows only individuals with a Social Security Number or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number to be the responsible party on EIN applications. Entities may not use their existing Federal Tax ID Number to obtain additional EINs.
There are four different ways you can obtain an EIN:
While you can manage the paperwork on your own, you can avoid the hassle of yet one more thing to do by asking CARDON Media to complete the application for you. The online application is the fastest way to obtain an Employee Identification Number. Before CARDON Media completes and submits the online application, the following steps must happen:
After those steps are taken, and CARDON Media successfully completes the online application, the IRS assigns the EIN and discloses it to CARDON Media. The taxpayer for whom CARDON Media requested the EIN will get a computer-generated notice from the IRS to acknowledge the EIN was assigned.
That was a lot of steps, but don’t worry, our team of experts will make the process easy for you.
On your application for a Federal Tax ID Number, some of the information you’ll need to provide includes:
By applying online, you can usually get an EIN within 24 hours. If you complete IRS Form SS-4 and fax it to the IRS, you will typically have your EIN in less than one week. For applications sent by mail, expect to wait up to four weeks for your EIN.
Realize that any mistakes in your paperwork could delay the process, so be extra careful to have all of your i’s dotted and t’s crossed!
If an EIN application isn’t completed correctly or on time, it could mean you will need to delay hiring employees, applying for business licenses, and taking care of other essential business activities.
By authorizing CARDON Media to fill out the EIN application and submit it for you, you can avoid those issues. You’ll find that our fees to take care of the paperwork are minimal and well worth the peace of mind that your business has what it needs to move forward.
Contact our team at CARDON Media today for help in obtaining your Federal Tax ID Number.
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