CARDON Media, LLC can act as your company’s registered agent in any state ensuring your corporation or LLC stays compliant with any service of process, legal notices, or official mailings.
Our registered agent services are fast and affordable
A registered agent, sometimes referred to as a resident agent or an agent for service of process, is a person or company officially recognized by the state that resides within the state of incorporation and is designated by the corporation or LLC to accept service of process on behalf of the company. This may be an individual or another business entity that has a physical location in the state of formation.
A registered agent must be available Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. to receive documents. The law requires that you appoint a registered agent if your business is an LLC or corporation and include your registered agent’s information within the Articles of Organization or Articles of Incorporation.
If your LLC or corporation fails to appoint a registered agent, you could face default judgments (in the case of a lawsuit), fines, and penalties. You might also risk having your business suspended or terminated. Although a business owner or an employee may be allowed to be your registered agent, there are advantages to hiring a third party.
Please note that a Post Office Box (PO Box) or Private Mailbox (PMB) “mail service” is usually not sufficient to qualify as a registered agent. Many states provide very specific warnings on using such services and that failure to have a registered agent will be cause for dissolution (closure) of the business.
CARDON Media can manage the paperwork for you, saving you time and getting you back to running your business.
CARDON Media's registered agent services protect your business and help keep your business compliant. Plus, you’ll receive:
Register agent services support the following business entities:
We can complete and file your forms to change your registered agent to CARDON Media, eliminating the need for you to waste your time researching requirements and downloading and filling out forms.
The Registered Agent must be available Monday – Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm at the location specified in your articles to accept service of process.
The registered agent’s name and address are public information. If you wish to keep your company’s address information confidential, designating CARDON Media to act as your registered agent affords you that extra added layer of privacy.
Some examples of the documentation a registered agent (also sometimes referred to as a “resident agent” or “statutory agent”) will receive for you include:
Important paperwork, as mentioned above, will be delivered to your registered agent’s physical location (not a post office box) in the state where you operate your business.
If your corporation is “qualified” to do business in other states, those states will generally require a registered agent in that state. For example, if your California Corporation has filed the necessary paperwork in Nevada to conduct business in the State of Nevada, the state of Nevada will require a Nevada registered agent. This may be an individual or another business entity that has a physical location in the state of Nevada.
All corporations incorporated (formed) are required by law to have a registered agent. If you do not pay the fee charged by your designated registered agent (or otherwise have a registered agent), your corporation may be considered defunct by the Secretary of State and lose corporate status. This should be updated annually and/or whenever there is a change.
CARDON Media can provide registered agent support throughout the USA.
CARDON Media is a document filing service and cannot provide you with legal, tax, or financial advice.
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